June 3/4, 2005



A jointly affiliated meeting of the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Foundation and the French Society of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery.



Friday, June 3th

Introduction Pr. Sam Selesnick
Paranasal Sinus and Rhinologic Disease
8:10 – 8:30
Imaging and Image Guidance in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Sinus Diseases
Dr. Mukesh Prasad
8:30 – 8:50
Frontal Sinus Diseases
Dr. Steven Schaeffer
8:50 – 9:10
Surgical Options for Treating the Obstructive Nasal Airway. Septum and Turbinate Surgery
Pr Andre Coste
9:10 – 9:30
Orbital Decompression
Dr. Soly Baredes
9:30 – 9:50
Panel Discussion
Dr. Steven Parnes
9:50 – 10:20
Coffee Break
10:20 – 10:40
Lesions of the External Auditory Canal
Dr. Frank Lucente
10:40 – 11:00
Canal Wall Up vs Canal Wall Down Mastoidectomy
Dr. Anil Lalwani
11:00 – 11:20
Ossiculoplasty. A Critical Appraisal.
Pr Patrice Tran Ba Huy
11:20 – 11:40
Complications of Cholesteatoma
Pr. Sam Selesnick
11:40 – 12:00
Eustachian Tuboplasty
Dr. Kujawska
Panel Discussion
Pr. Sam Selesnick
12:30 – 1:30
Lunch For Participants and Faculty at Griffis Faculty Club


Head and Neck Surgery
1:30 - 1:50
Advanced Skin Cancer
Dr. John Carew
1:50 - 2:10
Facial Reconstruction after Skin Cancer Resection
Dr. Arnold Katz
2:10 - 2:30
Current Treatment of Early Invasive Glottic Carcinoma
Pr. Ollivier Laccourreye
2:30 - 2:50
Microvascular Reconstruction
Dr. Eric Genden
2:50 – 3:20
Panel Discussion
Dr. Lanny Close
3:20 - 3:50
Coffee Break
Pediatric Otolaryngology
3:50 – 4:10
Current Trends in Otitis Media
Dr. Jacqueline Jones
4:10 – 4:30
Adenotonsillar disease and its relation to sleep apnea
Dr. Shilpa Cherukupally
4:30 - 4:50
Pediatric Reflux Disease
Dr. Thierry Van Den Abbeele
4:50 – 5:10
Subglottic stenosis
Dr. Robert Ward
5:10 – 5:30
Panel Discussion
Dr. Shilpa Cherukupally

Saturday, June 4th

Multi-Disciplinary Forum - ENT / Ophtalmologists
8:45 - 9:45
Frontal Sinus Inflammatory Diseases
Pr P. Le Hoang, Pr A. Coste, Pr P. Tran Ba Huy
9:45 - 10:15
Coffee Break - Pause
10:15 - 11:15
Ophthalmological complications of Orbital Sinus Surgery
Pr Miller
11:15 - 12:15
Oculo-motor complications of ORL diseases
Dr Milea
12:15 - 12:30

These meetings follow the guidelines of Continuing Medical Education in France and in The United States

Limited space available
By order of enrollment


Last name :
First name :
Specialty :
Address :
City : Country :
Zip code:
E-mail : Phone :
Fax :
Hospital : City :  



Cancellations of registration must be sent in writting to the Congress Secretariat.

- Full refund of registration fees until May 6, 2005
- Refund of registration fees, minus 50% of the administration fee until May 20, 2005
- No refund of registration fees after May 20, 2005

The participants unable to attempt to the congress may be replaced.

This cycle of programs is in accordance with the guidelines set by Continual Medical Education. A certificate of participation will be given for each course. The Scientific Medical Association by law 1901, certified by the Regional Delegation of professional education undernumber: 1175 278 55 75.

Weill-Cornel Medical College
1300 York Avenue (at 69th street)


18th East 41st Street
New York NY 10017
Phone: (212) 685-15 92
Fax: (212) 685-15 93

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